Preview - Kinetic Molecular Theory


Now you will use your rules for particle movement  from page 2 (they are referenced on this page below) to help you program your own simulation using NetTango.

NetTango is a tool that uses a programming language called NetLogo in preprogrammed blocks. You will be asked to use these blocks to create a working model that best reflects the movement of gas particles you observed in the PhET simulation.

Watch the video that demonstrates how to use the blocks to program gas particle behavior at right.

Start programming!


A few quick points:

  • Click  to reset the model and click  to run your model.
  • Your code should always start with the  block, or the model will not know what to do.
  • Your code will be performed by the particles continuously.
    • For example, if you wrote that "each particle + moves zig-zag", each particle in the model will move one step forward doing a zig-zag movement and then move one more step forward the same way, and so on. This will keep going on as long as the GO button is pressed.


Referenced Questions

These questions were answered in the previous steps. They are provided here for your reference.

Write your rules for gas particle movement and behavior in the box below. Be sure to consider your initial observations of the simulation from page 1 where you focused on the overall particle movement and then the movement of one individual particle. Your answers from page 1 are included above.


Please answer the questions below.

When you are satisfied with the way the particles behave,  and upload it using the "Browse" button below.

Upload files that are less than 5MB in size.
File Delete

Which types of blocks did you use? Explain your reasoning for each block.

Example: block: I used the "moves ____" block | because: I think the molecules moves so and so ...


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.